Day Trip – Zapallar and Cachagua


I still can’t quite get used to the fact that, from our apartment, I can drive an hour in either direction and be either in the Andes mountains or on the Pacific coast.  Our last venture into the mountains was a success, and we definitely want to spend more time exploring the many trekking paths in and around Santiago, but with Summer winding down here in the Southern hemisphere, we decided to head for the beach this Saturday. Continue reading “Day Trip – Zapallar and Cachagua”

Day Hike – Monumento Natural El Morado

101_1426We’re just shy of 3 weeks living here in Santiago, and this Saturday we decided it was time to venture out of the valley and into the Andes.  There are many reasons we were drawn to the opportunity to live and work here in Santiago, but high on the list was accessibility to some incredible hiking.  Matt and I share a love of the outdoors, and while a trail up a mountain can be physically exhausting, there are few things I find more mentally relaxing. Continue reading “Day Hike – Monumento Natural El Morado”

Santiago: Week One Recap – Moving, Exploring and House Hunting!



Hola a todos! Wow!  So much has happened in such a short amount of time.  It’s hard to believe we’ve been here less than a week a this point. We spent last weekend at my parents house, and got a great send off from my grandma and aunts before my parents dropped us at the airport Monday evening.  Leaving behind friends and family is definitely the hardest part of this move. I had to blink back a few tears as we turned the corner in the security line and gave my parents one last wave. Continue reading “Santiago: Week One Recap – Moving, Exploring and House Hunting!”