I Ran an Ultramarathon (and I liked it)

This October I accomplished a goal that wasn’t even on my radar at the beginning of this summer (a prime example of why I don’t make bucket lists).  I ran 37 miles, climbing and descending 10,000 vertical feet to complete my first Ultramarathon, and my third ever trail race.  It took me 8 hours and 45 minutes, and I managed to sneak into the top 10 (7th place!) for women.  Perhaps the craziest part of all though, is that I crossed the finish line with a pep in my step and a smile on my face.  The pep didn’t take long to turn into a hobble, but my smile remained intact.  Why and how did I go from casual runs on the pavement to a trail ultramarathon?  I’m glad you asked. Continue reading “I Ran an Ultramarathon (and I liked it)”

Day Trip – Zapallar and Cachagua


I still can’t quite get used to the fact that, from our apartment, I can drive an hour in either direction and be either in the Andes mountains or on the Pacific coast.  Our last venture into the mountains was a success, and we definitely want to spend more time exploring the many trekking paths in and around Santiago, but with Summer winding down here in the Southern hemisphere, we decided to head for the beach this Saturday. Continue reading “Day Trip – Zapallar and Cachagua”

Day Hike – Monumento Natural El Morado

101_1426We’re just shy of 3 weeks living here in Santiago, and this Saturday we decided it was time to venture out of the valley and into the Andes.  There are many reasons we were drawn to the opportunity to live and work here in Santiago, but high on the list was accessibility to some incredible hiking.  Matt and I share a love of the outdoors, and while a trail up a mountain can be physically exhausting, there are few things I find more mentally relaxing. Continue reading “Day Hike – Monumento Natural El Morado”

Wake Up With Yoga – Start Your Morning With These 6 Poses

Wake Up With Yoga Sequence-  ourdailybalance.wordpress.com

Disclaimer: I am NOT a morning person.   It’s not so much that I can’t get myself out of bed in the morning, it’s just that I really don’t like it.  But lately, I’ve been trying to ease myself into getting up earlier, so I can have some quiet time to myself before my day begins.  It’s amazing what a difference it makes to my stress levels throughout the day, when I have some time to focus on me before immediately diving into the pile of emails that have made their way into my inbox overnight. Continue reading “Wake Up With Yoga – Start Your Morning With These 6 Poses”

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Why You Should Try It

HIIT logo

The concept of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) isn’t altogether new, but this workout style is getting a lot of buzz lately, and for good reason. HIIT topped the American College of Sports Medicine’s recent list of the top fitness trends for 2014, and it’s popularity continues to grow.  Studies on the benefits of incorporating HIIT into your workout regimen abound. Read on to learn more about what HIIT is, why it’s effective and how you can start making it part of your fitness plan. Continue reading “High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Why You Should Try It”